Math Resources (in the time of COVID)

Calling all students, teachers, and parents!  As everyone is stuck at home during a global pandemic, now is a great time we are all forced to try and understand math (and our sanity level) a little bit more.  Well, I may not be able to help you with the keeping sanity stuff, but as far as math goes, hopefully, the below math resources offer some much needed mathematic support.

All jokes aside I hope everyone is staying safe and successfully social distancing.  Stay well, math friends! 🙂

Kahn Academy: The same Kahn Academy we know and love still has amazing videos and tutorials as usual, but now they also have a live “homeroom” chat on Facebook LIVE every day at 12:00pm. The chats occur daily with Kahn Academy founder Sal and at times feature famous guests such as Bill Gates. Click the link below for more:

Math Resources

Khan Academy Homeroom In a time when companies are being more generous, is here for us as they offer up to 1000 licenses for school districts and free lessons for teachers, students, and parents.  Check out all the education freebies here:

Math Resources

Math PlanetIf you’re looking for free math resources in Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Algebra 2, and Geometry then you will find the answers you need at Math Planet.  All free all the time, find their website here:


Math Resources

MathSux: Clearly, I had to mention MathSux, the very site you are on right now! Check out free math videos, lesson, practice questions, and more for understanding math any way that works for you!


What is your favorite educational site?  Let me know in the comments, and stay well! 🙂

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