Recursive Rule


Welcome to Mathsux! This post is going to show you everything you need to know about how to use a Recursive Formula by looking at three different examples of a recursive rule. Check out the video below for more of an explanation and test your skills with the practice questions at the bottom of this page.  Please let me know if you have any questions in the comments section below and happy calculating! 🙂

What is a Recursive Formula or a Recursive Rule?

A Recursive Formula is a type of formula that forms a sequence based on the previous term value.  The recursive rules for each formula vary, but we are always given the first term and a formula to find the consecutive terms in the recursive sequence.

Recursive formula can be written as an arithmetic sequence (a sequence where the same number is either added or subtracted to each subsequent term to form a pattern) and recursive formulas can also be written as arithmetic sequences (a sequence where the same number is either multiplied or divided to each subsequent term to form a pattern). We’ll go over an example of each but both types of recursive rules are treated the same exact way!

What does all of this mean?  Check out the example below for a clearer picture.

Example #1: Arithmetic Recursive Sequence

recursive rules

Step 1: First, let’s decode what these formulas are saying.

Step 2: The first term, represented by a1, is and will always be given to us. In this case, our first term has the value a1=2 and represents the first term of our recursive sequence.

a1= First Term=2

Step 3: We then plug in the value of our first term, which is a1=2 into our formula an+4 to get 2+4=6. The number 6 now has the value of our second term in the recursive sequence.

a1= 2 First Term

a2= (2)+4=6 Second Term

Step 4: Now we are going to continue the pattern, plugging in the value of each previous term to find the next consecutive terms in our recursive sequence.

The pattern can be more easily seen below. Notice we are able to find the value of all 5 terms of the recursive sequence for the solution only given the first term and recursive formula at the beginning of our question.

Step 5: We found the recursive sequence we were looking for: 2, 6, 10, 14, 18. Since the question was originally only asking for the value of the fifth term we know our solution only needs to be the value of the fifth term which is 18.

Example #2: Geometric Recursive Sequence

Step 1: First, let’s decode what these formulas are saying.

Step 2: The first term, represented by a1, is and will always be given to us. In this case, our first term has the value a1=1 and represents the first term of our recursive sequence.

a1= First Term=1

Step 3: We then plug in the value of our first term, which is a1=1 into our formula 2an+1 to get 21+1=3. The number 3 now has the value of our second term in the recursive sequence.

a1= 1 First Term

a2= 2(1)+1=3 Second Term

Step 4: Now we are going to continue the pattern, plugging in the value of each previous term to find the next term in our recursive sequence.

The pattern can be more easily seen below. Notice we are able to find the value of all 3 terms of the recursive sequence for the solution only given the first term and recursive formula at the beginning of our question.

***Note this was written in a different notation but is solved in the exact same way! This recursive formula is a geometric sequence.

Step 5: We found the recursive sequence we were looking for: 1,3,9. Since the question was originally only asking for the value of the third term we know our solution only needs to be the value of the third term which is 9.

Example #3:

Step 1: First, let’s decode what these formulas are saying.

Step 2: The first term, represented by a1, is and will always be given to us. In this case, our first term has the value a1=4 and represents the first term of our recursive sequence.

a1= First Term=4

Step 3: We then plug in the value of our first term, which is a1=4 into our formula 3an-1-2 to get 3(2)-1=5. The number 5 now has the value of our second term in the recursive sequence.

a1= 4 First Term

a2= 3(2)-1=5 Second Term

Step 4: Now we are going to continue the pattern, plugging in the value of each previous term to find the next term in our recursive sequence.

The pattern can be more easily seen below. Notice we are able to find the value of all 3 terms of the recursive sequence for the solution only given the first term and recursive formula at the beginning of our question.

Step 5: We found the recursive sequence we were looking for: 4,10,28. Since the question was originally only asking for the value of the third term we know our solution only needs to be the value of the third term which is 28.

Think you are ready to solve a recursive equation on your own?! Try finding the specific term in each given recursive function below:

Practice Questions:


Related Posts:

Looking to learn more about sequences? You’ve come to the right place! Check out these sequence resources and posts below. Personally, I recommend looking at the arithmetic sequence or geometric sequence posts next!

Arithmetic Sequence

Geometric Sequence

Finite Arithmetic Series

Finite Geometric Series

Infinite Geometric Series

Golden Ratio in the Real World

Fibonacci Sequence

Still, got questions? No problem! Don’t hesitate to comment below or reach out via email. And if you would like to see more MathSux content, please help support us by following ad subscribing to one of our platforms. Thanks so much for stopping by and happy calculating!

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***Bonus! Want to test yourself with a similar NYS Regents question on Recursive Formulas?  Click here! And if you want to learn about even more sequences, check out the link here!

Piecewise Functions: Algebra


Greetings, today’s post is for those in need of a piecewise functions review!  This will cover how to graph each part of that oh so intimidating piecewise functions.  There’s x’s, there are commas, there are inequalities, oh my! We’ll figure out what’s going on here and graph each part of the piecewise-function one step at a time.  Then check yourself with the practice questions at the end of this post. Happy calculating! 🙂

What are Piece-Wise Functions?

Exactly what they sound like! A function that has multiple pieces or parts of a function.  Notice our function below has different pieces/parts to it.  There are different lines within, each with their own domain.

Now let’s look again at how to solve our example, solving step by step:

Translation: We are going to graph the line f(x)=x+1 for the domain where x > 0

To make sure all our x-values are greater than or equal to zero, we create a table plugging in x-values greater than or equal to zero into the first part of our function, x+1.  Then plot the coordinate points x and y on our graph.

Translation: We are going to graph the line  f(x)=x-3 for the domain where x < 0.

To make sure all our x-values are less than zero, let’s create a table plugging in negative x-values values leading up to zero into the second part of our function, x-3.  Then plot the coordinate points x and y on our graph.

Ready to try the practice problems below on your own!?

Practice Questions:

Graph each piecewise function:


Still got questions?  No problem! Check out the video above or comment below for any questions. Happy calculating! 🙂

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***Bonus! Want to test yourself with a similar NYS Regents question on piecewise functions?  Click here.

Absolute Value Equations: Algebra


Happy Wednesday math friends! Today, we’re going to go over how to solve absolute value equations.  Solving for absolute value equations supplies us with the magic of two potential answers since absolute value is measured by the distance from zero.  And if this sounds confusing, fear not, because everything is explained below!

Also, if you have any questions about anything here, don’t hesitate to comment. Happy calculating! 🙂

Absolute Value measures the “absolute value” or absolute distance from zero.  For example, the absolute value of 4 is 4 and the absolute value of -4 is also 4.  Take a look at the number line below for a clearer picture:

Now let’s see how we can apply our knowledge of absolute value equations when there is a missing variable!

Now let’s look at a slightly different example:

Practice Questions: Given the following right triangles, find the missing lengths and side angles rounding to the nearest whole number.


Still got questions?  No problem! Check out the video the same examples outlined above. Happy calculating! 🙂

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Also, if you’re looking for a review on combining like terms and the distributive property, check out this post here.

How to Graph Equation of a Line, y=mx+b: Algebra


Hi everyone, welcome back to Mathsux! This week we’ll be reviewing how to graph an equation of a line in y=mx+b form. And if you have not checked out the video below, please do! Happy calculating! 🙂

An equation of a line can be represented by the following formula:


Y-Intercept: This is represented by b, the stand-alone number in y=mx+b. This represents where the line hits the y-axis.  This is always the first point you want to start with when graphing at coordinate point (0,b).

Slope: This is represented by m, the number next to x in y=mx+b. Slope tells us how much we go up or down the y-axis and left or right on the x- axis in fraction form:

Now let’s check out an Example!

Graph the following:

-> First, let’s identify the slope and y-intercept of our line.

-> To start, let’s graph the first point on our graph, the y-intercept at point (0,1):

-> Now for the slope. We are going to go up one and over to the right one for each point, since our slope is 1/1.

-> Connect all of our coordinate points and label our graph.

Try the following practice questions on your own!

Practice Questions:

Want more Mathsux?  Don’t forget to check out our Youtube channel and more below! And if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to comment below. Happy Calculating! 🙂

Need to brush up on slope? Click here to see how to find the rate of change.

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4 Ways to Factor Trinomials: Algebra


Greeting math peeps and welcome to MathSux! In this post, we are going to go over 4 ways to Factor Trinomials and get the same answer, including, (1) Quadratic Formula (2) Product/Sum, (3) Completing the Square, and (4) Graphing on a Calculator.  If you’re looking for more don’t forget to check out the video and practice questions below.  Happy Calculating! 🙂

Also, if need a review on Factor by Grouping or Difference of Two Squares (DOTS) check out the hyperlinks here!

*If you haven’t done so, check out the video that goes over this exact problem, and don’t forget to subscribe!

We will take this step by step, showing 4 ways to factor trinomials, getting the same answer each and every time! Let’s get to it!

4 Ways to Factor Trinomials

(1) Quadratic Formula:


(2) Product/Sum:


(3) Completing the Square:


(4) Graph:

Choose the factoring method that works best for you and try the practice problems on your own below!

Practice Questions:


Want a review of all the different factoring methods out there?  Check out the ones left out here (DOTS and GCF) and happy calculating! 🙂

For even more ways to factor quadratic equations, check out How to factor by Grouping here! 🙂

Looking for more on Quadratic Equations and functions? Check out the following Related posts!

Factoring Review

Factor by Grouping

Completing the Square

The Discriminant

Is it a Function?

Imaginary and Complex Numbers

Quadratic Equations with 2 Imaginary Solutions

Focus and Directrix of a Parabola

Also, if you want more Mathsux?  Don’t forget to check out our Youtube channel and more below! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to comment below. Happy Calculating! 🙂

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Completing the Square: Algebra


Want to learn the ins and out of completing the square?  Then you’ve come to the right place! Learn how to Complete the Square step by step in the video and article below, then try the practice problems at the end of this post to truly master the topic! If you’re looking for more on completing the square, check out this post here. Happy Calculating! 🙂

Check out the video below for an in-depth look at completing the square:

To answer this question, there are several steps we must follow including:

Step 1: Move the whole number, which in this case is 16, to the other side of the equation.

Step 2: Make space for our new number on both sides of the equation.  This number is going to be found by using a particular formula shown below:

Step 3: Add the number 9 to both sides of the equation, which we found using our formula.

Step 4: Combine like terms on the right side of the equation, adding 16+9 to get 25.

Step 5: Now, we need to re-write the left side of the equation using the following formula.

Step 6: Finally, we solve for x by taking the positive and negative square root to get the following answer and solve for two different equations:

Practice Questions:


Want more Mathsux?  Don’t forget to check out our Youtube channel and more below! And if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to comment below. Happy Calculating! 🙂

Need more of an explanation?  Check out why we complete the square in the first place here ! 🙂

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Looking for more on Quadratic Equations and Functions? Check out the following Related posts!

Factoring Review

Factor by Grouping

Is it a Function?

The Discriminant

4 Ways to Factor Trinomials

Imaginary and Complex Numbers

Quadratic Equations with 2 Imaginary Solutions

Focus and Directrix of a Parabola

COVID-19: What does #FlattenTheCurve even mean?


COVID-19: What does #FlattenTheCurve even mean? If you are a human on Earth, then I’m sure you’ve heard about the coronavirus and are currently social distancing. Here in NYC, I’m quarantining like everyone else and listening to all the beautiful math language that has suddenly become mainstream (so, exciting)!  #FlattenTheCurve has become NY’s new catchphrase and for anyone confused about what that means, you’ve come to the right place!

The coronavirus spreads at an Exponential Rate, which means it spreads in a way that increases faster and faster every day.

What does this mean?

For Example, one person with the virus can easily spread the virus to 5 other people, those 5 people can then spread the virus to another 5 people each for a total of an extra 25 people, these 25 people can then spread it to another 5 people each for an extra 125 infected people! And the pattern continues……. See below to get a clearer picture:

.   *Note: These numbers are not based on actual coronavirus data

The Example we just went over is equal to the exponential equation , but it is only that, an Example! The exact pattern and exponential equation of the future progress of the virus is unknown! We mathematicians, can only measure what has already occurred and prepare/model for the future.  To make the virus spread less rapidly, it is our duty to stay home to slow the rate of this exponentially spreading virus as much as possible.

We want to #FlattenTheCurve a.k.a flatten the increasing exponential curve of new coronavirus cases that appear every day! Hopefully, this post brings some clarity to what’s going on in the world right now.  Even with mathematics, the true outcome of the virus may be unknown, but understanding why we are all at home in the first place and the positive impact it has is also important (and kind of cool).

Stay safe math friends and happy calculating! 🙂

Want to make math suck just a little bit less? Subscribe and follow us for FREE fun colorful math videos and lessons every week! 🙂

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Math Resources (in the time of COVID)


Calling all students, teachers, and parents!  As everyone is stuck at home during a global pandemic, now is a great time we are all forced to try and understand math (and our sanity level) a little bit more.  Well, I may not be able to help you with the keeping sanity stuff, but as far as math goes, hopefully, the below math resources offer some much needed mathematic support.

All jokes aside I hope everyone is staying safe and successfully social distancing.  Stay well, math friends! 🙂

Kahn Academy: The same Kahn Academy we know and love still has amazing videos and tutorials as usual, but now they also have a live “homeroom” chat on Facebook LIVE every day at 12:00pm. The chats occur daily with Kahn Academy founder Sal and at times feature famous guests such as Bill Gates. Click the link below for more:

Khan Academy Homeroom In a time when companies are being more generous, is here for us as they offer up to 1000 licenses for school districts and free lessons for teachers, students, and parents.  Check out all the education freebies here:

Math PlanetIf you’re looking for free math resources in Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Algebra 2, and Geometry then you will find the answers you need at Math Planet.  All free all the time, find their website here:


MathSux: Clearly, I had to mention MathSux, the very site you are on right now! Check out free math videos, lesson, practice questions, and more for understanding math any way that works for you!


What is your favorite educational site?  Let me know in the comments, and stay well! 🙂

Rate of Change: Algebra


The rate of change, the rate of motion, the rate of a heartbeat. A chart on a piece of paper as boring as it may seem, can produce some pretty great numbers that directly relate to us human folk.

The question below may make you groan at first glance, but what happens if we use our imagination to picture the real-life bird it’s describing? Any better? Yes? No? Well, either way we must solve, so let’s get to it

How do I answer this question?

It wants us to find the Rate of Change, specifically between 3 and 9 seconds. Let’s hi-light those two values on our given table:

What is the Rate of Change?

To get the Rate of Change between these two values, we need to go back to the good ole’ Slope Formula and realize that the list of values is really a list of x and y coordinates.

Now let’s plug in the coordinate values (3, 6.26) and (9,3.41) into our slope formula:

Extra Tip! Notice that we added the labels feet/second to our answer.  Why does this make sense?? The question tells us that P(t) represents feet and that t is equal to seconds.  Another way to look at this question when applying it to the slope formula is to realize that we are finding the change of feet divided by the change of seconds.                                                          ____________________________________________________________________________________

Still got questions?  Let me know in the comments and as always happy calculating!:)

Looking for the next step? Learn how to graph equation of a line, y=mx+b here!

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How to Factor Quadratic Equations: Algebra


In this post, we are going to dive deep into how to factor Quadratic equations! There are so many different methods to choose from including GCF, Product/Sum, DOTS, and the Quadratic Formula.  Here we will go step by step into each method on how to factor quadratic equations, each with their own set of practice questions. For a review on how to factor by grouping, check out this post here and  happy calculating! 🙂

Why factor in the first place, you may say? We want to manipulate the equation until we solve for x.  Solving for x is our main goal, and factoring allows us to do that.  Now let’s get to the good stuff!

Greatest Common Factor (GCF):

The greatest common factor is the highest possible number that can be divided out from an equation.  This gets the equation into its simplest form and makes it easier for us to solve for x.

Before considering which type of factoring methdo to use, always ask yourself, “Can I take out a GCF?”


This factoring method is for quadratic equations only! That means the equation takes on the following form:

Difference of Two Squares DOTS)

Not to play favorites or anything, but DOTS is the easiest and most lovable of the factoring methods.  This factoring method just makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside or maybe that’s just me).  Before we get into how to do DOTS, let’s talk about when?

Quadratic Formula:

We have heard of the quadratic equations, so how id the quadratic formula different?

The Answer: The Quadratic Formula is what we use to factor any trinomial. You can use product/sum on trinomials like we discussed earlier, but this may not always work out easy.  The Quadratic Formila on the other hand will work every time!

Low and behold, the Quadratic Formula:

Want more Mathsux?  Don’t forget to check out our Youtube channel and more below! And if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to comment below. Happy Calculating! 🙂

Looking for more on Quadratic Equations and functions? Check out the following Related posts!


Factor by Grouping

Completing the Square

The Discriminant

Is it a Function?

Quadratic Equations with 2 Imaginary Solutions

Imaginary and Complex Numbers

Focus and Directrix of a Parabola

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