Why “MathSux”?

Hi Everyone and welcome to MathSux! Today, I wanted to answer a question I get a lot which is why name your Blog and YouTube channel, “MathSux”? Clearly, I love math, but with the name “MathSux” I wanted to show that it can also be hard and even I can think that it suck sometimes. When we don’t understand something it can be frustrating whether its related to math or really anything! The point is we’ve all gotten frustrated when learning something new at some time, but that’s ok, and that’s exactly what MathSux stands for! 🙂

Check out the video below to hear why I chose the name “MathSux” while doodling math art . I hope you enjoy it and happy calculating! 🙂

Why is it called “MathSux”?

*New lessons will be coming your way starting next Wednesday. Also be on the lookout for Regents review questions up on YouTube tomorrow and Friday! 🙂

If you are a teacher or student, have you ever thought math sucked at some time in your life? Let me know in the comments below!

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And for more “Just for Fun” math posts and videos, click the link here.

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