How to use SOH CAH TOA: Geometry

Greeting math friends and welcome to Mathsux! In this post, we are going to start with the very basics of trigonometry by going over how to find a missing angle and/or side length of right triangles while using the famous trigonometric function sine, cosine, or tangent, (aka how to use SOH CAH TOA).  Woo hoo! These are the basics of right triangle trigonometry, and provide the base for mastering so many more interesting things to come in trigonometry! So, let’s get to it!

SOH CAH TOA is an acronym that stands for the following trig functions and parts of a right triangle. We’ll explain more in this post!


Sin =
Note that SOH CAH TOA works on right triangles only!

Also, if you have any questions about anything here, don’t hesitate to comment below or watch the video below. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to MathSux for FREE math videos, lessons, and practice questions every week. Happy calculating! 🙂

What does SOH CAH TOA stand for?

A Trigonometric Ratio, more commonly known as Sine, Cosine, and Tangent, are trig ratios that naturally exist within a right triangle.  This means that the sides and angles of a right triangle are in proportion within itself.  It also means that if we are missing a side or an angle of a right triangle, based on what we’re given, we can figure out what the value of the sides or angles are, based on these ratios!

Let’s take a look at what Sine, Cosine, and Tangent are all about!

How to use SOH CAH TOA

Ready for your first right angled triangle example? Check it out below!

SOH CAH TOA Example #1:

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Now let’s see how we can apply trig ratios when there is a missing side or angle in a right triangle!

Step 1: First, let’s identify the different sides of our right triangle depending on which angle we are focusing on, which in this case is a 60º angle. Based on the locations of our angle, we can label each side as the hypotenuse, adjacent, or the opposite.

Notice below, that the opposite side labeled x, is labeled the “opposite” side because it is opposite to our given angle, 60º. The remaining side is considered the adjacent side of our triangle because it is directly next to our given angle, 60º.

How to use SOH CAH TOA

Step 2: Now, let’s write out SOH CAH TOA. Notice the only trig function that uses both the hypotenuse and the opposite is sine! Knowing to use the sine function, let’s fill in our formula using the hypotenuse = 5 and opposite = x in order to find the value for missing side length x.

In order to use the sin function correctly, we’re going to need to plug in our given angle, which is 60º, and then set up our proportion. sin(60º)=x/5. By using the sine function, our calculator, and a little bit of algebra we’ll be able to solve for the unknown side.

How to use SOH CAH TOA

Ready for another example?! Check out another SOH CAH TOA problem using right triangles below!

Right Triangle Trig Example #2:

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Step 1: First, let’s identify the different parts of the right triangle we are given (the hypotenuse, adjacent, and the opposite). Notice in this example, we are given the adjacent and hypotenuse and need to find the value of the unknown angle, θ.

Step 2: Next, let’s write out our acronym, SOH CAH TOA, to see which trig function can help us with our question! Notice the only trig function that uses both adjacent and hypotenuse is cosine. This is what we will use to solve for the unknown angle, θ.

We use cosine, by setting up our proportion, cos(θ)=adjacent/ hypotenuse, knowing we can then plug in 12 for our adjacent value, and 13 for our hypotenuse value.

How to use SOH CAH TOA

Think you’re ready to test out SOH CAH TOA on your own? Try the following Practice Questions on your own!

Practice Questions:

Given the following right triangles, find the missing lengths and side angles rounding to the nearest whole number.


Screen Shot 2020-07-04 at 5.06.37 PM.png

Still got questions?  No problem! Check out the video the same examples outlined above and happy calculating! 🙂

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Related Trigonometry Posts:

The Unit Circle

Basic Right Triangle Trigonometric Ratios (SOH CAH TOA)

4545 90 Special Triangles

30 60 90 Special Triangles

Graphing Trig Functions

Transforming Trig Functions

Factoring Trig Functions

Law of Cosines

Trig Identities

Law of Sines

Median of a Trapezoid Theorem: Geometry

Hi everyone and welcome to Math Sux! In this post, we are going to look at how to use and applythe median of a trapezoid theorem. Thankfully, it is not a scary formula, and one we can easily master with a dose of algebra. The only hard part remaining, is remembering this thing! Take a look below to see a step by step tutorial on how to use the median of a trapezoid theorem and check out the practice questions at the end of this post to truly master the topic. Happy calculating! 🙂

*If you haven’t done so, check out the video that goes over this exact problem, also please don’t forget to subscribe!

Medians of a Trapezoid copy
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Step 1:  Let’s apply the Median of a Trapezoid Theorem to this question!  A little rusty?  No problem, check out the Theorem below.

Median of a Trapezoid Theorem

Median of a Trapezoid Theorem: The median of a trapezoid is equal to the sum of both bases.Step 2: Now that we found the value of x , we can plug it back into the equation for Screen Shot 2020-06-02 at 7.33.44 AMmedian,  to find the value of median Screen Shot 2020-06-02 at 7.34.25 AM

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Want more practice?  Your wish is my command! Check out the practice problems below:

Practice Questions:

Median of a Trapezoid Theorem
Median of a Trapezoid Theorem
Median of a Trapezoid Theorem

1.Screen Shot 2020-06-02 at 7.35.29 AMis the median of trapezoid ABCDEF, find the value of the median, given the following:2. Screen Shot 2020-06-02 at 9.01.08 AMis the median of trapezoid ACTIVE, find the value of the median, given the following:3.Screen Shot 2020-06-02 at 9.17.01 AMis the median of  trapezoid DRAGON, find the value of the median, given the following:

Median of a Trapezoid Theorem

4. Screen Shot 2020-06-02 at 9.23.08 AMis the median of trapezoid MATRIX, find the value of the median, given the following:


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Need more of an explanation?  Check out the detailed video and practice problems. Happy calculating! 🙂

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Completing the Square: Algebra

Want to learn the ins and out of completing the square?  Then you’ve come to the right place! Learn how to Complete the Square step by step in the video and article below, then try the practice problems at the end of this post to truly master the topic! If you’re looking for more on completing the square, check out this post here. Happy Calculating! 🙂

Check out the video below for an in-depth look at completing the square:

Completing the square

To answer this question, there are several steps we must follow including:

Step 1: Move the whole number, which in this case is 16, to the other side of the equation.This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Screen-Shot-2020-12-25-at-6.07.43-PM.png

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Screen-Shot-2020-12-25-at-6.08.19-PM.png

Step 2: Make space for our new number on both sides of the equation.  This number is going to be found by using a particular formula shown below:

Completing the square

Step 3: Add the number 9 to both sides of the equation, which we found using our formula.

Completing the square

Step 4: Combine like terms on the right side of the equation, adding 16+9 to get 25.

Completing the square

Step 5: Now, we need to re-write the left side of the equation using the following formula.

Completing the square

Step 6: Finally, we solve for x by taking the positive and negative square root to get the following answer and solve for two different equations:

 Completing the square

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Practice Questions:

completing the square


completing the square

Want more Mathsux?  Don’t forget to check out our Youtube channel and more below! And if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to comment below. Happy Calculating! 🙂

Need more of an explanation?  Check out why we complete the square in the first place here ! 🙂

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Looking for more on Quadratic Equations and Functions? Check out the following Related posts!

Factoring Review

Factor by Grouping

Is it a Function?

The Discriminant

4 Ways to Factor Trinomials

Imaginary and Complex Numbers

Quadratic Equations with 2 Imaginary Solutions

Focus and Directrix of a Parabola

Area of a Sector: Geometry

Youtube Area of a sector copy

Hi math friends, has anyone been cooking more during quarantine?  We all know there is more time for cookin’ and eatin’ cakes but have you ever been curious about the exact amount of cake you are actually eating?! Well, you’re in luck because today we are going to go over how to find the area of a piece of cake, otherwise known as the Area of a Sector!

Now, we’ll all be able to calculate just how much we are overdoing it on that pie! Hopefully, everyone is eating better than I am (I should really calm down on the cupcakes).  Ok, now to our question:

*Also, If you haven’t done so, check out the video that goes over this exact problem, and don’t forget to subscribe!

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How do I answer this question? 

We must apply/adjust the formula for the area of a circle to find the area of the blue shaded region otherwise known as the sector of this circle.                                                    

How do we do this?    

Before we begin let’s review the formula for the area of a circle. Just a quick reminder of what each piece of the formula represents:

area of a sector

Step 1: Now let’s fill in our formula, we know the radius is 5, so let’s fill that in below:

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Step 2: Ok, great! But wait, this is for a sector; We need only a piece of the circle, not the whole thing.  In other words, we need a fraction of the circle. How can we represent the area of the shaded region as a fraction?

Well, we can use the given central angle value, Screen Shot 2020-05-19 at 4.27.17 PM, and place it over the whole value of the circle,Screen Shot 2020-05-21 at 4.01.12 PM . Then multiply that by the area of the entire circle. This will give us the value we are looking for!

area of a sector
area of a sector

Step 3: Multiply and solve!

Ready for more? Try solving these next few examples on your own to truly master area of a sector!

Practice Questions:

Find the area of each shaded region given the central angle and radius for each circle:

area of a sector


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What do you think of finding the area of sector? Are you going to measure the area of your next slice of pizza?  Do you have any recipes to recommend?  Let me know in the comments and happy calculating! 🙂

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Looking for more about circles? Check out this post on the circle formula here!

Circle Theorems and Formulas:

Central Angle Theorem

Intersecting Secants Theorem

Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arc

Circle Theorems